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Marketing your CSR Program: Strategies for 2020

With the countless benefits to a company's brand, a strong CSR program is a marketer's best friend. But what does marketing your CSR program look like in this moment?

Join Product Marketing Manager (and Submittable Corporate Giving Committee member) Natalya DeRobertis-Theye as she goes over:

  • What is CSR?

  • CSR in this moment

  • Benefits of a strong program

  • Trends

  • Crafting your CSR strategy

  • How Submittable can help

  • Resources

Get smarter about marketing your CSR program. Watch the webinar today.

Hosted By:

Picture of your guest, Natalya Taylor

Natalya is the Director of Product Marketing at Submittable focused on helping organizations get a ton of value out of the platform. She is a bookworm, adventure enthusiast and card-carrying cat lady as well as a writer and yogi.

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Hosted By:

Picture of your guest, Natalya Taylor

Natalya is the Director of Product Marketing at Submittable focused on helping organizations get a ton of value out of the platform. She is a bookworm, adventure enthusiast and card-carrying cat lady as well as a writer and yogi.