Your organization is accountable to stakeholders to report on your impact. Thoughtful questions and impact surveys are a vital way to measure your results. It's also crucial to ask questions in a way that puts the minimum possible burden on program beneficiaries. In this webinar, we'll go over everything you need to know to ask great questions and send an effective, thoughtful impact survey, including:
Seven guiding principles for measurement rooted in the values of trust-based philanthropy
Specific, pragmatic tactics that you can practice at your organization
5 real-life templates with specific questions that you can borrow or adapt to your own work
Tools that can help you put all of this together into practice
Hosted By:
Natalya is the Director of Product Marketing at Submittable focused on helping organizations get a ton of value out of the platform. She is a bookworm, adventure enthusiast and card-carrying cat lady as well as a writer and yogi.
Hosted By:
Natalya is the Director of Product Marketing at Submittable focused on helping organizations get a ton of value out of the platform. She is a bookworm, adventure enthusiast and card-carrying cat lady as well as a writer and yogi.