Submittable ROI Calculator

What’s the value of a purpose-built social impact platform? This calculator estimates the return you could realize on your investment in Submittable in terms of hours and dollars saved as well as reducing your time to launch.

1. Choose your industry

2. How many team members do you work with?

0 Administrators - number of team members that manage program(s).



0 Reviewers - number of internal or external individuals that review applications.



3. What is the average salary for an employee?




4. Currently, how long does it typically take you to launch a new program?

Less than 1 month

Less than 1 month

6 months or more

Fill out the form to see your results


By combining your responses with our current customer averages in your industry, we estimate that with Submittable you could:

Save administrators 0 hours per week

Save $0 per year

Save reviewers 0 hours per week

Launch your program 0 weeks faster