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Alli Murphy and Rachel Mindell

Conversations at the Heart of CSR

This episode of Impact Audio features Alli Murphy, Director of Events & Program Development at Engage for Good, discussing the “world of possible” for corporate social responsibility.

Conversations at the Heart of CSR

30 MIN

Join Submittable with CSR-insider Alli Murphy for a discussion about the people, ideas, and resources propelling social good.



What will it take for corporate responsibility to become comprehensively human-centered? And who are the people leading the charge? In this episode of Impact Audio, Alli Murphy, Director of Events & Program Development at Engage for Good (EFG), shines a light on the good work and bright ideas transforming CSR for the better. 

This episode digs into:

  • Why social impact practitioners need community (and how EFG helps)

  • Key trends in CSR, from NFTs to corporate PR

  • Inspiring examples of “employees as a cause”

  • Questions, creativity, and other tools for innovation and relationship-building

  • Real talk and other sector-wide transformations gaining steam 

We hope you enjoy and find value in this conversation.


Picture of your guest, Alli Murphy

Alli Murphy

Alli is the Director of Events & Program Development at Engage for Good where she leads a talented team that helps corporate social impact leaders advance their campaigns, careers, and organizations through professional development and networking opportunities. She also hosts the Engage for Good podcast, the longest-running podcast in the social impact space. Now in its 12th season with nearly 400 episodes, she has interviewed leaders from Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Google, IBM, On Our Sleeves, Save the Children, PayPal, Subaru, Ulta Beauty, Walgreens, and more.

From working in startups to marketing and managing programs for C-level executives at UC Berkeley Executive Education, and building a travel brand with thousands of followers worldwide, Alli brings a strategic and creative perspective to every situation.

A firm believer that people come first and that when people thrive, businesses can thrive, Alli is an advocate for workplace wellness, mental fitness, inner work, and well-being.

Alli graduated Magna Cum Laude from Willamette University and resides in Bend, Oregon with her husband, TJ. Outside of work, you can find her traveling the world, practicing new choreography with her dance group, exploring the outdoors, curling up with a great book, and writing good old-fashioned letters and postcards.

Picture of your guest, Rachel Mindell

Rachel Mindell

Rachel Mindell is Special Projects Editor at Submittable. One of the highlights of her job is talking with social impact leaders about their work and learning more about how technology can help accelerate positive change.


Episode Notes:

Learn more:

Here are the Engage for Good Podcast episodes Alli refers to:

Interested in more quality content about CSR? Here are a few Submittable resources:


Hi and welcome to Impact Audio, a podcast looking to listen deeply and share the wealth. I’m Rachel Mindell and for this episode, I talked with absolute dynamo Alli Murphy, Director of Events & Program Development at Engage for Good. We discussed the present and future of corporate social impact, and also spent some time getting pumped about Engage for Good’s upcoming conference. It’s happening in Atlanta, May 17-19. Find full details at engageforgood.com. And do take a moment to learn more about Alli and her great work on the web page for this episode because we’re going to dive right in. Thanks for listening.

RACHEL: Hi, Alli Murphy, so fantastic to be with you today on Impact Audio. How's it going? 

ALLI MURPHY: It's a great day. I'm excited to be here. 

RACHEL: Awesome. We are excited to have you. So you're a podcast host yourself. As part of the Engage for Good podcast, you've spoken with incredible people, including leaders from Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, boys and girls clubs of America, Google, IBM, PayPal, Subaru, Ulta. The list goes on. 

So I'm so curious, like, how does it feel to be on the other side of the conversation today? 

ALLI MURPHY: Honestly, it feels a little strange. I have my whole setup of what I do beforehand, and it is turned on its head today. So I'm super excited to be here and to see what the other side of this looks like a little bit. 

RACHEL: Oh, I have a really good feeling about it. So can we start off by having you tell our listeners about Engage for Good. 

ALLI MURPHY: Yeah, absolutely. So Engage for Good-- it took me a while to, in a nutshell, explain what we do. But we're a professional development organization that shares trainings and best practices in CSR and corporate social impact. 

And so our content really revolves around how businesses and nonprofits can activate both employees and consumers to make a difference in the world. So, in a nutshell, we help leaders at both of those at businesses and nonprofits access the tools, the resources, and events that help them advance their careers, campaigns, and organizations. 

We are best known for our annual conference, which actually, this year, is headed back to being in-person, which I am super excited about. So we will be in Atlanta in May. And we're also well known for our Halo Awards program, which is an awards program that recognizes incredible corporate social impact campaigns. And we're going to announce the winners at the conference in May. 

RACHEL: Fantastic. That's exciting. That'll be so nice to get back in-person with people, I'm sure. So tell us about your role at Engage for Good or EFG. 

ALLI MURPHY: Yes, we call it EFG. So I am the director of events and program development, which really means I touch a lot of different sides of the business. So I host our podcast, Engage for Good podcast, as you mentioned. I oversee all of the planning and marketing for our annual conference, our webinars, our membership community. I manage all of our sponsor relationships. I touch a lot of different things. 

And I think I have so many hats because we are, as we like to say, a small but mighty team. So our conference usually brings in about 600 people. We've got the awards program. We've got over 1,000 people in our membership community. And we are an incredible team but a small team of four people. 

RACHEL: Wow. Oh my gosh. 

ALLI MURPHY: People are usually surprised and they're like, your team is how small? I'm like, yes. I have a fabulous team. 

RACHEL: That is absolutely incredible. So I'm curious what you think the biggest challenges are for social impact professionals, and then how EFG tries to help. 

ALLI MURPHY: Uh, OK. So there's a couple that come to mind. One is that I think it can be really hard to figure out how to do things differently. How to improve something, how to iterate it maybe when you hit a roadblock when you're talking to the same people at your organization time and time again. And that's not to say that it's a bad thing, but when you're all used to the same conversations, and you're in the same organization, it can be harder to think outside the box. 

And so one of the things that I think is incredibly beneficial is we provide a platform both at conference or in our member mastermind groups where people come together. So maybe it's business leaders come together and non-profit leaders come together separately to talk about what's going on? What's working? What's not working? What issues they're facing. And then, remember, mastermind you've got an hour and a half where you get to brainstorm back and forth with people. 

And then I actually see emails in my inbox in between meetings, or someone says, hey, I have a really big question about point-of--sale fundraising that we're looking to do X, and we can't figure this out. How have others done that? And so this idea of being able to brainstorm with others and get advice from others that you don't typically talk to and maybe in even different industries or a completely different model that they use. So that's one. 

I think another-- kind of building on that-- is a lot of conferences have some huge heavy hitter speakers, so a Brené Brown and Adam Grant, Malcolm Gladwell, et cetera. And don't get me wrong, these people are fabulous. I would love to go sit-in at a conference where one of them speaks. 

But I think one of the things that's different about Engage for Good is our focus on practitioners. So attendees are practitioners, yes, but so are our speakers. Every single one of them has been where the people in the seats are currently. 

So the idea there is we want to help bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to go and have leaders come in and share not just that they did something incredible and raised a ton of money or made a huge impact but really how they did it and the lessons that they learned along the way. So I think those would be two big ones. 

RACHEL: Yeah, absolutely. So you've been talking about the conference, which sounds fantastic, and the practitioners who will be there. I'd love to hear about some of the key trends and social impact that this year's event will address and that the speakers have proposed panels for. 

ALLI MURPHY: OK, so would it even be a conversation about trends without talking about NFTs and crypto? 

RACHEL: No, absolutely, not. 

ALLI MURPHY: So clearly, we have a session on that at this year's conference. Riot Games, head of CSR, Jeff Burrel is going to give us a primer on what all of this means and what the potential is for it in the social impact space. And so what I love about this session is its you don't have to be an expert in this space, or really even know all that much. It's really a beginner's space laying the foundation, explaining what all this is, and then sharing examples of what's worked really well and maybe where some things fall short so that attendees can learn from it. So that's a session I'm really excited about. 

I think another one is how to communicate impact effectively. So in today's day and age, as I'm sure all of your listeners know, it is expected, if not in a lot of cases almost required, by  consumers and employees that a company be making a positive impact and be talking about it. But if you say the wrong thing, that's not good. You might be sidelined, you might be perceived as inauthentic, or even canceled. So what the heck are you supposed to do? 

So we have leaders that are going to come in and talk about this. And Johnson Johnson and Canadian Tire company are going to share how they distill complex programs into simple yet compelling communications that make sense for consumers who really aren't familiar with our terminology and are seeing so many different marketing tactics from across the board, some of which are honest and some of which are a little less honest. So how do you navigate that whole conversation? 

RACHEL: Those sounds so fantastic. Sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off, but I just want-- 

ALLI MURPHY: No, you're good. 

RACHEL: --to say, yay. OK. Please continue. 

ALLI MURPHY: OK. So one more is about incorporating JEDI into your partnerships and organizations. So JEDI, in this case if you're not familiar, is Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. And Big Brothers Big Sisters of America's chief development officer, Deb Badge actually spoke at our sister conference in February and was phenomenal. 

And I kid you not, she got the entire ballroom to stand during her session and it was actually one of the highest rated of the entire conference. So we're thrilled to have her back again, sharing her expertise at Engage for Good and talking about this really important issue. So this would be my top three. 

Some others that stand out is we have another one on emerging trends for employee engagement and activation, which I think is going to be particularly interesting in this remote/ hybrid/ back in office thing that people are doing. And another one is the CDC foundation's Rob Abraham is going to come talk about what his team learned when the eyes of the entire world were on them. 

RACHEL: Gosh, it sounds really fantastic. So, yeah, speaking of this strange moment that we're in, how do you think the conversations this year about social impact are different from the conversations you've had in previous years at the conference? 

ALLI MURPHY: Oh my gosh, this is such an interesting question because I think little things shift little by little over time, or throughout a year. And then you look back two years later and it's like, wow, this has changed a lot. 

So one that comes to mind is the prominence of DE&I. And so in the sense that it's moving from what, I would call, more of a cause area, we're going to have a program about this. We're going to have a partnership that's focuses on this, which still happens, but moving from more of just a cause area into that and kind of business as usual. 

So having this implemented in your hiring practices, having a diverse board, having it talked about in internal communications, external communications, and having it transferred from something that was like, OK, this is a nice to do, where we should be doing this and to, no, is this how every organization should be doing things, whether it's from the business side or the non-profit side? So that shift would be a big one. 

Another one that's really interesting to me is, I think, we're heading out of the worst of COVID, but the impact that it's had on all of us as individual people and as organizations, I think, is yet to be fully realized. But one of the things that's come to the foreground is this idea of employees as a cause. 

And so in our space, whether a company is working with its own foundation or a non-profit partner, they're typically, not always, but typically thinking about something more external as a cause. But with the pandemic and being remote and talking about mental health challenges and seeing little kids run into Zoom meetings, or dogs, or somebody, like something barking, moving trucks, we've had a very different lens into people's lives over the last two years. And I think it's opened doors for people to have tough conversations about, what do we need to do to support employees? How do we show up? 

And then changes like professional athletes coming out and talking about mental health challenges, or different business leaders saying, we're going to take care of our people, and this is how we're going to do it has really shifted into a different expectation for companies in terms of taking care of their employees. 

RACHEL: Mhm, I love that. Yeah, I'd love to hear a little more about that idea of employees as a cause. Could you offer any specific examples or advice on how to approach this? 

ALLI MURPHY: Yeah, so one of these is actually-- I love the name of them. So the first one is called kindness bombs. So Gas South is a company out of Atlanta. I actually hosted Carley Stevens there, community affairs manager, on the podcast, I don't know, a year ago or something at this point. 

But what they realized is especially in the thick of the pandemic as we were getting into the worse and worse times of it, they realized that they needed to be able to take care of their own people before they ask their people to go take care of somebody else from a social impact perspective. 

So Carley worked with leadership and came up with this idea of, what am I going to do with my budget? So she took her budget and had the entire organization from the top-down kindness bomb their direct reports, which basically meant they used that budget and they did something for their director report that said, I see you, I care about you. It's a challenging time. So it might have been having losses during COVID. 

So like, here's a pass to go virtually visit an aquarium, or if you've got a big family, and it's want to have a family dinner, here's a giant Uber Eats gift card. So it was really specific to those individual employees. And it was a surprise. And so as it cascaded down, the whole thing was a secret until every single one of their employees went through it. 

RACHEL: It's great, yeah. 

ALLI MURPHY: I think another one is-- have you heard of the paid week off? 

RACHEL: I feel like I've been seeing that on LinkedIn, maybe. 

ALLI MURPHY: Probably on LinkedIn, yeah. There's news articles that have gone out. A lot of organizations in more of the thick of COVID were like, our people are burnt out. And in an effort to mitigate that-- not that a paid week off solves everything, but it does help. A lot of companies-- I think Bumble did it. LinkedIn did it. The Trevor Project did it for a lot of their people. 

And then-- this was another podcast episode. Phil Haid, who's the founder of Public Inc, which is an agency, he did it with his team. So I hosted him on the podcast to talk about what inspired you to do this? Why was it important? How did you get buy-in from the rest of your team? And then what I was most curious about too is, how did you actually make it happen? 

Like, you're going to give your whole team a week off? How do you structure that? How do you tell your clients? How do you not have things go up in flames? And he was like, you plan, and it's actually pretty easy. So those are both really neat. 

One that I saw a few weeks ago that I don't know much about but Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants partnered with Talkspace to provide therapy to all of its guests and employees. So I'm going to look at that one a little bit more. But those are some actual examples of how people have done this. And, of course, there's 1,000 more. 

In terms of advice, I think some of these or some things that you could do would be big programs that involve HR teams, or a big amount of leadership buying, or maybe a lot of money. But there's probably something that each of your listeners could do tomorrow or next week to start making their lives better, their team's lives better, direct reports lives better, whatever that might be. 

So I think it's about first understanding what your team wants and needs, and then what would be helpful to them. And that usually involves asking. Like, I'm not a mind reader. I don't know about you. Are you a mind reader? 


ALLI MURPHY: No. So I think it's about asking your team and having those conversations. And then once you have some of those answers, doing things about them. So some ideas might be actually encouraging vacations, and then setting up structures where people can be fully off and not even on their email when they're on PTO. If you haven't had a conversation about goals, have one of those and get that scheduled on the books. Make sure you're setting clear priorities. And if your team's having trouble prioritizing, help them learn how you do it so that they can do it themselves. 

And another one that I'm a big fan of and I do is I actually put my lunch on my calendar. Doesn't mean it doesn't get booked over sometimes, but it's a, hey, this is ALLI recharge time. I need a break. I know you're all human, you probably do too. And it's starting to act in the ways that you want to help your team feel empowered to act as well. 

RACHEL: Right. Absolutely. Like, you set an example and you give them permission to practice self-care. 

ALLI MURPHY: Yeah. Because I think it's easy to say, oh, well, you can do this. But if you're leaders or your boss isn't doing it themselves and it's like, OK, you said this. But did you really mean it? And maybe they did. But kind of leading by-- what is the word I'm looking for? Leading by doing. 

RACHEL: Yeah. 

ALLI MURPHY: That's not quite right. You know what I mean, though. 

RACHEL: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Leading through action or walking the talk, that's one of my favorite ones. 

ALLI MURPHY: There we go. Yes. 

RACHEL: Yeah. Wow, so, man, you talked to such interesting people. You've mentioned a couple episodes. I definitely want to check out, and I would encourage other people to listen as well. What are some of the most interesting or surprising conversations you've had in the last year about? And as a follow up, if on any of them there are some actionable takeaways like the ones you just shared with us, that would be fantastic. So a two-parter. 

ALLI MURPHY: Oh my gosh. OK. I think this is hard because I don't think there's a single podcast episode that I've recorded where I haven't learned something, or there hasn't been kind of a, oh, that's fascinating moment. So that's a challenging question. 

But if I had to pull some out, I did an episode that, I think, was called Transformative Travel with Away in Global Glimpse, so clearly it was with Away, which is a global lifestyle brand, and then Global Glimpse, which is a non-profit that helps youth, diverse youth access international travel experiences or during COVID some that were virtual. 

And so Eliza Pesuit is their founding executive director, and then Kelsey Todd is the senior manager of social impact on the Away side. And we had an awesome conversation. Like, you know those conversations where things are just kind of rolling? And it was lovely. I'm getting head nods. Yes, exactly. 

So they talked about a lot of different things. Their campaign included financial support, in-kind donations, consumer engagement, a bunch of employee engagement. But Kelsey brought up-- so Kelsey from the Away side brought up this conversation of, what are we besides this one partnership? 

So this is a newer social impact program. They're more getting started on their journey instead of a massive corporation that's been doing this for a long time. But who are we besides this one partnership? What do we stand for outside of that? Who else do we want to work with? And how does that fit into our larger mission and goals? 

So if you are just on the more getting started side, and they're not fully getting started, but more on that side rather than I've had partnerships for 70 years, looking at, OK, one partnership is great and how can we grow and expand from this as well? So she brought that to pair it up. 

And Eliza on the flip side-- well, both of them. But Eliza talked about the importance of developing strong relationships. So relationships between the execs and those that are actually carrying out the social impact work, great relationships between the non-profit team and corporate partners and vice versa. And that building this foundation of trust and collaboration enables for much better programs. 

And so they talk about creating the space where both sides of the table can come and bring issues. And so Kelsey has this example of-- she's like, OK, I'd love to do an employee engagement program for X amount of people, and I'm not going to get all the numbers, right, and we'd love to do this. And instead of just leaving it at that and expecting Eliza to do something about it, our next question was literally saying, is this helpful to you? Before we go any further, is this idea interesting? Does it actually align with your goals? 

Because I think there's times where like a business might come to a nonprofit and say, OK, we want employee engagement program for 150 of our employees, but it may not actually be as helpful to the non-profit. So how do you have these conversations built on a relationship of trust where you can actually talk about this and then deviate from plan one into something that actually works for both of you. So that's one. Do you want another? 

RACHEL: Oh my gosh, yes. 

ALLI MURPHY: OK. OK, so another one is about innovation and kind of fostering-- not kind of, definitely fostering a culture of psychological safety. So Virginia Martinez and I actually worked together in my days at UC Berkeley Exec Ed, and then she moved to innovation firm IDEO. And there are so many great nuggets of wisdom from this episode. 

But a couple of them are kind of this concept of reframing innovation as creative problem solving because that's what it is. But the terminology can sound a lot less intimidating to people, or it doesn't have to be like, we need an entire innovation department. Just like, you can innovate an expense report. So it's kind of the framing piece. 

And innovation is essentially-- or creative problem solving if we're going that route-- is essentially asking people to change and to bring up new ideas. And in order to do so, they have to feel comfortable, secure, safe enough in their role, in their workplace on their team to actually do that. And so she shared a series of five questions that she asked when she works with clients but that you can also ask yourself and your team. And then once you have that, she's got tips for getting started and actually making an impact on those answers. 

One actual-- so, yeah, the question-- all five of them, we can link two on the show notes. But one of the takeaways from that, that I found really interesting is go into a project with the assumption that your first idea is not going to be your best idea. It's not going to be perfect. And in fact, expect that. Give yourself the ability to say, OK, this is draft one and grow from there. 

And another one is this idea of creativity, which actually sounds strange to me, but creativity typically does better within constraints. So give yourself a deadline, give yourself a budget-- maybe it's a small budget-- and see how creative you can get. And that-- yeah, I think both of those-- and there are so many more, but those would probably be my top two. 

OK, and one last one. Because I have a really hard time narrowing it down. I recently hosted, or at least at time of recording, Cheron Carlson from the World Wildlife foundation on the podcast, which was kind of like a childhood dream of mine. I didn't know I was going to host a podcast someday, but that was a brand that I followed as a kid. 

And so we talked about the three pillars of effective employee engagement programs and the variety of ways in which they work with their corporate partners. And it's-- well, by the time this airs, it will actually be up. But that was a phenomenal conversation that had so many key takeaways that I would highly recommend people listen to as well. 

RACHEL: Oh my gosh, such rich, amazing content. I was going to ask you, like, what's on the horizon? So you gave us a little teaser right there, which is fantastic. Anything else that people should look out for? 

ALLI MURPHY: That's a great question. Typically on the Engage For Good podcast, we focused more on specific campaigns and partnerships, how they came to be and what attendees can learn from them and the people that have brought them to life. But I've also started to pepper in some more deep-dive topics like how to foster a culture of psychological safety and the three pillars of employee engagement that are not just campaign focus but are a little bit more broad. And I want to have some more of those. 

So some about measurement and reporting out on ESG and CSR, maybe how to structure and staff your team, which I think is a really interesting topic given the great resignation. And it's a topic that comes up in our member mastermind. So how do you actually do this effectively? What works? And then best practices for maybe selling internally and getting leadership buy-in. So I would invite any of your listeners who have ideas or know of someone. They're like, this person would be fabulous to reach out to me on LinkedIn, and let me know. 

OK, but there's a catch. Don't. Please don't send me a cold podcast pitch. If I'm being honest, I'm not going to read it. I might look at the headline and be like, nope. There's-- no, this isn't going to happen. Tell me why you think it would be interesting, or why it would be a good fit for Engage for Good and bonus points, if you reference a past episode. So cold pitch that you just hit send, kind of like a resume or cover letter. You're not going to send the same resume to every job. Don't send the same podcast pitch. But I'd love to chat with you if you're excited about any of that. 

RACHEL: Come prepared. 


RACHEL: Yeah, absolutely. I love it. OK, so, just a light question. Where do you think the social impact sector is headed? 


ALLI MURPHY: No pressure, OK, well-- oh, I love this question. I think one way that we're headed is this expansion of major cause areas. So historically, major cause areas have been around diseases or hunger. Some of them have been about wildlife or sustainability. 

But as we talked about a little bit earlier, some of these are historically taboo if we're talking about mental health, or there's actually a lot of partnerships that are happening in the cannabis industry, which wouldn't have happened a long time ago. And actually this year, our golden Halo award winner for non-profit, which is our highest level of award, is for the Trevor Project. They are the winner. 

And the Trevor Project, if people aren't familiar, is the world's largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ youth. Also, was not something that organizations wanted to partner with in the past. So this idea of really anything can be a cause now. And I think that's really important, and I hope we see more and more of that. 

Another one is I think there's more and more integration. So CSR used to sit-- CSR, Social, Impact, Community, Affairs, Purpose, whatever you call it at your company, used to sit-in more of a silo. And so typically, they're smaller teams, sometimes they're big. Attaway is a social impact team of one. Summer's teams of two. 

But now there's a much bigger integration with the marketing team, with the sales team, even with HR. And in some cases, even executive pay is being tied to CSR or sustainability outcome. So more integration as both employees and consumers expect this from more and more companies.

One more is this idea of moving from more transactional campaigns into transformational ones. And so transactional would be this idea of, OK, I'm a company and I'm going to give you a $50,000 check, congratulations, which is great. I mean money is important. It gets things done, especially if it's unrestricted. But there's a lot more that can be done as well. And so there are typically-- 

Nowadays, I think, we see a lot of partnerships where there is that check component, but there's also something that makes it a multi-year, more robust campaign that doesn't just give money, but it engages consumers, maybe it engages employees, it runs multiple times a year, maybe there's point of sale. There's a lot more that goes into campaigns now. 

The last one I think is great for everybody in this field because as the great resignation, or as I like to call it the great reshuffling, is happening, a lot of people-- I mean, work life balance is important. There's a lot of things that are important. But one of the ones that ranks high on that list when people are surveyed is feeling like their job has a purpose, or that their company or non-profit is giving back in some way. 

And so if you work in the social impact field, you already have that box checked off. It's about communicating it well. But I think there's a lot of potential for people to end up with some great hires in this space. What do you think? 

RACHEL: Oh my gosh, yes. I think I am excited for that future that you've laid out-- 


RACHEL: Yeah, it's great. Well, it has been so lovely talking to you today. We will provide links for you in the episode notes so that you can check out these great episodes, so that you can find out more about the Engage for Good conference, which-- remind me the dates. 

ALLI MURPHY: Oh, I don't know that I actually ever said them. It's in May. So May 17 through 19 in Atlanta. 

RACHEL: So, Alli, I'm going to follow your model a little bit and end with a couple of questions that you tend to end your podcast with. And the first would be, what do you enjoy most about your job? 

ALLI MURPHY: OK, see, when I ask that of people, I don't realize how big of a question it is sometimes. There's probably a lot of things. One of the things that I enjoy most about my job, might sound cliche, but honestly it's the podcast and it's webinar planning and it's speaker content calls before conference. 

It's having conversations with leaders in this field about what they're doing, what's working, what's not working, and then processing through and strategizing together into how do we create something really compelling that's actually going to help a ton of people? So how do we take what you've already done successfully, and then morph it, package it, whatever you might call it, and turn that into a fantastic finished product that's going to help people advance their careers, campaigns, and organizations? 

RACHEL: Absolutely, that sounds like the move from transactional to transformative. That sounds like a transformation to me as-- 

ALLI MURPHY: Uh, yeah, I like that. 

RACHEL: So, if people want to find out more about Engage for Good, what should they do? 

ALLI MURPHY: Yeah, great question. So Engage for Good, you can find us, I mean, on all social platforms. The easiest is just engageforgood.com. And then the podcast is actually the exact same name. It's the Engage for Good podcast. It's on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, et cetera. So wherever you like to listen to podcasts, go find that. 

And if you're interested in chatting with me and you've got ideas for the show, or just want to say hi, et cetera, you can find me on LinkedIn, Alison Murphy. And if you type in Engage for Good, I should pop up. 

RACHEL: Great. Well, this was so much fun. Thank you for spending time with us. Thank you for taking the other side of the mic for a day. It was really wonderful. We appreciate it. 

ALLI MURPHY: Well, thank you, Rachel. It was lovely to be on this side. And it was a fun conversation. Thanks for having me. 

RACHEL: For sure. Take care. 

ALLI MURPHY: You too. 

Thank you listener, for your time. There are so many great resources for you to check out in our episode notes, including details on the EFG conference and links to all the conversations Alli referenced. Very good stuff. 

Impact Audio is edited and produced by Jordan Marvin, Laura Steele, and yours truly. Submittable is a cloud-based social impact platform designed to help your team make better decisions and have a bigger impact. We’d love to partner with you to maximize social good and create lasting change through smarter technology—find out more at Submittable.com. And until next time, take good care.

Additional Resources

Season 1 , Episode 2| 14 Min

Louise Bleach and Mark Horoszowski: CSR, Social Enterprise, and Doing Well by Doing Good

Photo of Louise Bleach

Louise Bleach

Photo of Mark Horoszowski

Mark Horoszowski

Season 1 , Episode 10| 20 Min

The State of Corporate Purpose: Insights from CECP's 2021 Giving in Numbers Report

Photo of Sam Caplan

Sam Caplan

Photo of Natalya Taylor

Natalya Taylor

Photo of Laura Steele

Laura Steele

Season 1 , Episode 8| 17 Min

7 Principles for Measuring Impact

Photo of Natalya Taylor

Natalya Taylor

Photo of Rachel Mindell

Rachel Mindell

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Impact Audio features short conversations (and a few longer ones) with social impact experts and practitioners. We cover the world of philanthropy, nonprofits, corporate citizenship, and social change.