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Scoring Process

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Scoring Rubric
Reducing Bias in Scoring


Will the solution have a meaningful impact on the well-being and holistic development of young children (birth-to-six)? Is the proposed solution intentionally designed to bring bold and transformational change in policies, processes, institutions, or systems?

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1 Solution reinforces the status quo, with little to no impact on existing policies, processes, institutions, or systems that will increase the wellbeing and holistic development of young children. No evidence is provided that the solution will work.

2 Solution will make incremental shifts in policies, processes, institutions, or systems that impact the well-being and holistic development of young children. Some evidence that the solution has worked.

3 Solution will make notable shifts in policies, processes, institutions, or systems that impact the well-being and holistic development of young children. Some evidence that the solution will work.

4 Solution will create deep and significant change in policies, processes, institutions, or systems that impact the well-being and holistic development of young children. Team is armed with strong evidence that the approach will work in the context described.

5 Solution will transform policies, processes, institutions, or systems that impact the well-being and holistic development of young children. Team is armed with strong evidence that the approach will work in the context described and has mechanisms for learning and assessment in place.


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Does the team have the skills, capacity, knowledge, or lived experience to implement the proposed strategy, or do they have a plan to build those skills or acquire strategic partners? Is the project designed to be adaptive to shifting conditions and unpredictable events?

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1 Team lacks required knowledge, experience, or plan to build that capacity and is unlikely to execute the project successfully. Project design has an inflexible approach.

2 Team has basic skills, capacity, and knowledge to initiate action on the project. Approach acknowledges the need for increased capacity and skill-building but does not provide a plan. Project design does not allow for much adaptivity.

3 Team has solid experience, capacity, and knowledge or lived experience. Approach includes a reasonable plan to build necessary skills and partnerships. Project design includes some space for adaptivity.

4 Team is equipped to take action, armed with an experienced team and key partnerships identified. Approach includes clear plan for augmenting team’s skills and partnerships. Project design is intentionally adaptable to shifting conditions.

5 Team is poised to take action, and has the capacity, experience, and knowledge or lived experience requisite to do the work. Key partnerships, if applicable, are already in place. Approach includes detailed plan for expanding team’s skills and partnerships to ensure successful implementation. Project design is highly adaptive; mechanisms for ongoing monitoring and learning and the ability to be responsive and make adjustments to project plans to meet changing conditions are in place.


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Does the proposed solution center local communities, enable autonomy amongst proximate leaders, and foster community ownership?

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1 Little to no evidence of inclusion of communities impacted by issues central to the proposed solution.

2 Communities most impacted are involved, but the collaboration is vague or tangential to the overall effort.

3 Impacted communities are centered and included in providing feedback, but not in decision-making positions.

4 Impacted communities are in some decision-making positions, defining the problem and envisioning success.

5 Leadership knowledgeably and passionately represents the community; ensures feedback is incorporated and engages in joint decision-making and action.


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Does the proposed solution indicate a nuanced understanding of the context (geographical, political, social, etc.) within which it will be implemented? Will the proposed approach enable the team to build and integrate the solution into that context in a sustainable way?

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1 Lacks nuanced understanding of implementation context. Solution unlikely to be successfully integrated.

2 Demonstrates basic understanding of implementation context. Approach has potential to position solution for integration into unique context, though unlikely to be sustainable.

3 Demonstrates strong understanding of implementation context. Approach is likely to foster the conditions for sustainable integration of solution.

4 Exhibits nuanced understanding of complexities of implementation context. Proposes strong approach to positioning solution for smooth and sustainable integration.

5 Exhibits robust understanding of complexities of implementation context and their interconnectedness. Proposes nuanced approach tailored to ensure the successful integration of the solution in a responsive and resilient manner.


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